miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019

In the post, talking about verb TOBE and your forms.
First, Ver TOBE, Is a verb basic for learning english.
The verb TOBE meaning in spanish (ser, estar, tener)
You (Tú)
She (Ella)
He (El)
It (Eso)
We (Nosotros)
You (Ustedes)
They (Ellos)

In The Verb TOBE exits three forms of use the verb TO BE
1rts. Afirmative
the form afirmative is about talking accion
for example: I am hungry (Tengo hambre)
But, i learning about use to verb to be
I am
You are
she is
he is
it is
we are
you are
they are

 I am
You are
She is
he is
it is
we are
you are
they are

2nd form, NEGATIVE.
aquí usamos el not
I am not
You are not
She is not
It is not
he is not
we are not
they are not
3rd form, Interrogative
En cambio, aquí pasa el el pronombre a segundo lugar, ejemplo
Am i?
Are you?
Is she?
Is he?
is it?
Are we?
are you?
are they?
aquí podemos ver un video claramente donde nos explican: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p-_NhWuuZQ

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